Sunday, June 29, 2008


So it's summer, and of course with the beautiful weather who wants to sit inside scrapping? That sounds like a good excuse why I haven't gotten anything done doesn't it? Right, we'll go with that then. Anyways, I finally finished Lisa's challenge and even did one other layout, look at me go! That's about all I have managed, pathetic I know. My scrap room is a mess and I can't even bring myself to look at it, nevermind start to organize it, so my scrapping has come to a grinding halt, which is depressing me. sigh. I am sure one day I will work up the energy to tackle it but goodness knows when. Meanwhile i'll just continue to stalk all your blogs and look at your wonderful pages with envy and longing. Later.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Lost my mojo...

So I have done almost no scrapping at all since NSD. Sucky deal. I have done one page, and invitations for the kids bday parties and that is about it. i am not even done the Home LO for Lisa's challenge. I have it all laid out and everything but I am waiting for a photo, so i am stuck on that too. I need something to get me going, scrapbook-wise. I think Vee has the right idea, going to TM for a Saturday, then maybe i could find some motivation! Anyways here are the invites I did and my one measley layout!

Sunday, May 4, 2008


So the LNC at TM on Saturday night rocked! I had so much fun, and kudos to the girls at TM for all your hard work! Veronica, Nadine and Karen were so funny " We're making memories here!" And now I have my scrap mojo back, can't wait to start scrapping today! Here are a few of my layouts from this weekend.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Once again...

So after being in the shop for almost a month, I now have my laptop back! YEAH!!!! With a new hard-drive and main board. Whatever that is. So technologically stunted. Anyways, sad thing is i haven't even done much scrapping lately either. Just a few layout to post, hopefully I'll get lots done at TM next Saturday. I finished Lisa's challenge and can't wait for the next one!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

2 more..............

So here are a few more layouts....... but this will be it for awhile, we are going away this weekend. Hope everyone has a happy easter!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008


......3 layouts in 2 days????? What the heck is going on? I am so on a roll!!!!! Now if I could just keep this up!

Category Stories

Okay I am taking the plunge and submitting this layout for a challenge! Yeah me!